Employee reviews about Novgorodelektroremont
Design Engineer
I came to the company already with work experience. In the last place, the ideas of the group designers were put off in a "long box". Everything is different here, ideas for technical modernizations are being implemented. This not only benefits the company, but also gives opportunities for growth for already established specialists, in particular engineers.
Machine shop worker
I have been working for the company since its foundation. When working in the workshop, I was pleasantly surprised the quantity and quality of the tool provided for the work, as well as responsible the attitude of my colleagues in the shop to their work. The company takes care of the safety on in production, there has not been a single case of violation of the requirements for all the time safety: there are always helmets, gloves, and most importantly the necessary breaks when working with cutting machines.
Training and adaptation of new personnel is well established in Novgorod Electroremont. As an office worker, it is difficult for me to immediately delve into the details of production technologies. The training program helps not only to join the team, but also to get the necessary knowledge for those who have not worked in this industry before.
Controller of the machining area
One of the values of the company is the quality of the products supplied, and it it strives in every possible way not only to support and develop it. In particular, my department regularly updates the measuring equipment, the accuracy of which will depend on output parameters of the product. It's great when there are all the possibilities to release quality products.