174260, Новгородская обл., Маловишерский район, г. Малая Вишера, улица Гоголя, 34

+7 (812) 634-44-34


Consignment Warehouse

Consignment warehouse is a service for organizing a warehouse near the RMZ, or on the territory of the customer’s enterprise. There is always an irreducible remainder of spare parts on it. List
positions are agreed with the customer.
RMZ receives spare parts without delay. The supply of spare parts, the availability of which has not been agreed, is implemented promptly upon “request” from RMZ or the Customer
This service significantly reduces downtime due to timely repairs and the availability of spare parts in the “Consignment Warehouse”.

Smart section

“SMART Section” – a DIY* electric motor repair system implies engine repair by the customer using the developed instructions and collected materials for a specific repair task. It includes the following advantages:

All spare parts supplied by us are accompanied by precise installation instructions, including photos and other graphic materials describing in detail each technological step.

A specially developed repair system, in which each technological step is designed in such a way that specialists performing repair work do not need the qualification of a winder. Even the most complex procedures are available to the average qualified personnel.

The DYI “SMART-Section” system includes all the necessary materials for laying sections, installing collectors and carrying out other installed works.

Repair of electric motors by the customer becomes completely independent of external risks: low-quality materials, delivery delays, non-conformity of the delivered material.

Modernization of bulk winding motors

The experience of operating electric motors and generators of different capacities and technological purposes shows that the main number of failures of this technique is associated with damage to the stator windings.
The most typical malfunctions of the stator windings are associated with a short circuit, which can be:
  • inter-turn, which occurs when the winding insulation deteriorates. The reason for this is overheating, poor-quality manufacturing material or wear of insulation due to vibration. Signs of such damage are increased heating of the electric motor and a drop in the torque on the shaft, an electric flash, an atypical smell, protection activation.
  • inter-winding. (interfacial closure) Occurs due to the displacement of the windings, shocks and vibrations; All the same reasons as in the inter-turn)
  • on the body. As a result of such a malfunction, the electric motor may continue to work (with improper grounding and protection from c/w), posing a mortal danger to humans.
We offer repair of an electric machine with replacement of loose windings on
sectional. With such a replacement, we do not get rid of the above reasons completely, but we significantly increase the reliability of the electric motor.

As a result of such modernization:

  • the efficiency of the electric motor will increase;
  • resistance to breakdown of coil and case insulation will increase;
  • the electrical and mechanical strength of the engine will improve due to the use of Monolith technology.
This conversion will allow the engine to be operated in conditions of increased
humidity or dustiness without loss of performance indicators.

Stages of modernization of bulk engines windings


We get your old working or non-working engine.
production with bulk winding. The state of the winding and the stator does not have
values. The engine may be burnt out, from storage, and even recognized as non–repairable (we especially ask you to pay attention to such machines – it is just possible to completely restore them).


We completely remove the stator and the winding.



We recalculate the stator winding from bulk to sectional with preservation
rated parameters of the electric motor (torque, power, rpm).


We recalculate the active iron on the design of the groove for the sectional
the winding.


We design drawings of sheets of active iron and sections of the stator winding.



We manufacture new active iron and new sections.



We perform high-quality and accurate balancing of the rotor.



We repair bearing assemblies.



We are assembling the electric motor and testing at idle.



We issue a warranty certificate with an extended 3-year warranty.


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